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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Vitor mango Dom Nov 01, 2009 4:29 am

se ha nicks mais abrangentes temos o anarca onde tudo é tudo acima de tudo

De uma visitante devidamente identificada recebi esta reclamação que pela sua relevância penso dever partilhar com todos:

"Não sou negra, no entanto, creio que alimentar a discriminação racial através de piadas, é mais um método de retrocesso. Somos seres humanos, iguais diante de Deus, então por que esta atitude? É por isto que é necessário AMOR AO PRÓXIMO e EDUCAÇÃO. Ter sensibilidade é um presente divino, na minha concepção. Por que cada um não faz a sua parte, lutando para uma mudança positiva?
Sou brasileira e amo o continente africano, mas não deixo de amar o meu país, no entanto, sinto que, com conscientização, este quadro mudará... nunca discriminei, pelo contrário, sinto amor por todos, então, desejo que Deus toque o coração de todos que têm preconceitos e procurem enxergá-los como pessoas normais. O Senhor Jesus só quer uma coisa de todos nós:"ATITUDE".
Que Deus abençoe a todos.
Muito obrigada."

A minha resposta foi a seguinte:

"Minha cara amiga,

Confesso que fiquei muito triste por se sentir ofendida com o tópico em referência.
Não foi nem é minha intenção descriminar qualquer povo ou raça.
Se reparar, no tópico em causa:
eu digo o seguinte em um dos comentários: "Nota: Estas piadas não foram escritas por mim,
nem as subscrevo. No entanto existem, e a sua exclusão deste tópico seria um acto de
auto-censura que não estaria de acordo com o título deste Fórum."
Pode dizer que poderei estar enganado nas ideias que defendo, mas nunca que estou a
descriminar negativamente os nossos irmão de côr...
Aliás, eu penso que estarmos a preocupar-nos em não chamar preto aos negros ou evitar
anedotas ou quaisquer outro procedimento que teríamos com outra pessoa qualquer, isso sim
é descriminação...
Os povos só se libertarão dos estigmas que os dominam quando deixarem de se preocupar com
pormenores sem importância...
Um branco, um negro, um alentejano ou um brasileiro merecem-me o mesmo respeito...
Não fico nada chateado com a vossas anedotas sobre os Portugueses, nem os Alentejanos se
ralam muito com as anedotas sobre eles...
Por isso é que se por medo de estar a ofender os "coitadinhos" dos negros fizesse censura
às anedotas, sentia que os estava verdadeiramente a descriminar.
Não lhe peço que concorde comigo, mas acredite que é o que penso realmente...
Peço-lhe novamente desculpa se os posts a incomodam, mas espero que não fique muito
zangada comigo.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,

Vitor mango
Vitor mango

Pontos : 117490

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Vitor mango Dom Nov 01, 2009 4:33 am

Sou brasileira e amo o continente africano

Estive no brasil e as anedotas de portugueses eram-me contadas pelos meus amigos
Conheço o anarca para saber que o racismo racico nao existe na sua dele mioleira
Ate porque tendo por profissao a genetica e...bla bla sei que nao existem raças humanas
Ela é so uma com mais colorido ou menos bronze

Todos somos irmaos e se nas americas se fizeram Horrores nem vos conto meus amigos o que imperios Otamanos fizeram aos da mesma cor
Vitor mango
Vitor mango

Pontos : 117490

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Vitor mango Dom Nov 01, 2009 6:34 am

eis o que meti no forum do anarca

caros amigos
O anarca é um dos fundadores do forum vagueando onde por motivos que nao sabemos se tornou de repente visitado por muitos brasileiros
Estive 6 anos em Curitiba numa missao que tem a ver com " mestiçagem " em Floresta e a minha missao resultou porque nao segui as pisadas dos Mestres com que trocava mimos
Um dia em Copacabana e a ver tanta mistura de raças verifiquei que aí nas passarelas tinha a soluçao porque os sabios tinham falhado na sua missao florestal ao longo do rio IGUAÇU
O Brasil é um pais de mestiçagem como o é parte da populaçao portuguesa com destaque para o SUL
Ambos nos escolhemos para o nosso simbolo dois negros
Pele no Brasil
Eusebio em Portugal
Ambos ja nao jogam á Bola mas ambos são referencias bases da nossa cultura em espalhahar e misturar sangue e culturas
Se o Brasil é apontado como um pais de futuro é por razões que mexerm nestes simbolismos
O Brasil resolveu ja o problema das raças e das religioes
e dizia eu aos Brasileiros
Falem pela Europa e verao que brancos se matam em tudo o que europa quer pela religiao quer pela cor do umbigo ao ponto de Adolfo Hitler matar judeus como raça inferior e agora estes matam Palestianos pela mesma ladainha
SE Sou brasileira e amo o continente africano
olharem para o mapa do Brasil assalta-nos uma duvida
Como foi possivel criar um vasto territorio tao vasto ou mais que a Europa ?
A resposta e bem simples
Entregamos aos cerebros da altura traçarem mapas e fazerem acordos
Assim nao nos guiamos por acordos economicos como o fizeram ingleses e Holandes (ou a america nos dessastgres de aprendiz de feiticeiro )
Eles souberam dar o PODER politico aos estados mais pobres e aquietar os estados do SUL mais poderosos e a produzir digamos 80 % da riqueza a verem as correntes federadas
E tal como sucedeu em Portugal temso o Poder do Exercito unido numa amalgama religiosamente flexivel

e quando me avisam que Portugal roubou o Ouro brasileiro sorriu de orelha a orelha e mostro os meus bolsos vazios e replico
Mas voces Brasileiros levaram com o D. Joao VI 90 % da nossa inteçlectualidade e durante 17 naos Portugal mergulhou num banho de guerra civil enquanto no Brasil se criava o
unico estado Monarquito e uma biblioteca riqueissima com livros raros ...entre as quais a 4ª biblia impressa no mundo ..
Vitor mango
Vitor mango

Pontos : 117490

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por RONALDO ALMEIDA Dom Nov 01, 2009 8:51 am

OS PORTUGUESES naos o RACISTAS. TEM e uns portugueses, que sao RACISTAS e acham que sao os OUTROS que sao racistas!!!

Pontos : 10367

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Vitor mango Dom Nov 01, 2009 9:03 am

O LAGOSTAS escreveu:OS PORTUGUESES naos o RACISTAS. TEM e uns portugueses, que sao RACISTAS e acham que sao os OUTROS que sao racistas!!!
Amigo Lagostas
Tera que explicar melhor o seu pensamento
mas se me da licença eu vou tentar explicar
Entao segure-se na cadeira calce as pantufas e escute

Portugal ocupa o KU da Europa
Tudo que fugia da Europa chegava aqui e via o mar e dizia
Porrah e agora para onde é que eu cavo
Aí nasceu a diplomacia lusitana
Ou seja tudo o que foi invasao depara com um povo porreirinho a nao querer saber de merdas
caminhamos para o mar para cheirarmos de que lado vinha a pimenta que como sabe era negocio dos Mouros arabes e equiparados
Metidos num navio a marinhagem alem de bater na Guitarra e assoprar uns fadunchos conheceu novas terras e novos povos
Aí fizemos a maior revoluçado milenios se nao quizermos caminhara mais para tras
Ou seja
Unimos o ocidente com o Oriente
A nossa preocupaçao era o cacau ( como quem diz a pimenta ou seja o pilim
Claro que havcia uns padrecas interessados as almas e outros a bolsa alheia
Estabelecemos Portos para garantir aos navios agua alimentos e sexo para atestar o badalo
Nesta amalgama toda onde tudo era envolvido criamos uma super carapaça para avaliarmos o mundo como mais nenhum povo o fez
E quando o amigo me ve dar porrada nos Judeus convencidos que eles teem dons divinos
Eles sao tao maus como as SS do Adolfo
Repare que a malta portuguesa engravidava as locais com o perfume de um bom vinho do cartacho
varios e muitos assumiram-se nessas kekas divinas
O Luis dos camones tinha uma xinoca
No Japao o Veceslau de Pirolau outra japonesa e varios embaixadores do D. manuel enviam- e mails ao king
Pah arranjei aqui uma coisinha fofinha e ja nao regresso a Portugal
No Brasil era a ver se te avio
Ou seja
Sexo primeiro e religiosidade depois
Os mulatos no Brasil ou melhor as mulatas do brasil assumem-se como estatuto de sexoalidade rebolando-se pelas ancas nos carvanais
Todos os povos que o amigo cheirar por aí todos olham com desconfiança para ..e para
Veja recentemente o caso de Angola que estao a comprar tudo o que é banco e petroleios e bla bla
Porque ?
Acima de tudo eles sabem que os tugas teem uma quimica especial capaz de se submeter por amizade a um povo
Quer melhor prova que aquela que dedicamos a TIMOR ?
Vitor mango
Vitor mango

Pontos : 117490

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Viriato Dom Nov 01, 2009 9:18 am

O LAGOSTAS escreveu:OS PORTUGUESES naos o RACISTAS. TEM e uns portugueses, que sao RACISTAS e acham que sao os OUTROS que sao racistas!!!

Frase premiada pela Academia da Língua Portuguesa dada a sua simplicidade e facilidade de entendimento.

Pontos : 16657

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por RONALDO ALMEIDA Dom Nov 01, 2009 9:20 am

Viriato escreveu:
O LAGOSTAS escreveu:OS PORTUGUESES naos o RACISTAS. TEM e uns portugueses, que sao RACISTAS e acham que sao os OUTROS que sao racistas!!!

Frase premiada pela Academia da Língua Portuguesa dada a sua simplicidade e facilidade de entendimento.

os racistas teem paranoias racistas!!! VOCE SABE!!

Pontos : 10367

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Viriato Dom Nov 01, 2009 9:24 am

O LAGOSTAS escreveu:
os racistas teem paranoias racistas!!! VOCE SABE!!

Felizmente não conheço. Ou por outra, o único que conheço vive em Orlando e não tenho contactos pessoais. Todos os que me cheiram a racistas e xenófobos saltam do meu horiznte visual ou de convivência.

Pontos : 16657

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Vitor mango Dom Nov 01, 2009 9:52 am

Viriato escreveu:
O LAGOSTAS escreveu:OS PORTUGUESES naos o RACISTAS. TEM e uns portugueses, que sao RACISTAS e acham que sao os OUTROS que sao racistas!!!

Frase premiada pela Academia da Língua Portuguesa dada a sua simplicidade e facilidade de entendimento.

ha ainda os que perante a pergunta
Branco ou Tinto ?
Vitor mango
Vitor mango

Pontos : 117490

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por RONALDO ALMEIDA Dom Nov 01, 2009 9:57 am

aquele que se diz anti-racista e o mais racista. cONHECO UM la nascido para os lados DE angola!!! E MUITOS AQUI!!! GERALMENTE sao os NEGROS que sao mais racistas e com PARANOIAS do PASSADO!!!

Pontos : 10367

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Vitor mango Dom Nov 01, 2009 10:02 am

O LAGOSTAS escreveu:aquele que se diz anti-racista e o mais racista. cONHECO UM la nascido para os lados DE angola!!! E MUITOS AQUI!!! GERALMENTE sao os NEGROS que sao mais racistas e com PARANOIAS do PASSADO!!!

completamente errado

registe aí

Vitor mango
Vitor mango

Pontos : 117490

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por RONALDO ALMEIDA Dom Nov 01, 2009 10:03 am

Vitor mango escreveu:
O LAGOSTAS escreveu:aquele que se diz anti-racista e o mais racista. cONHECO UM la nascido para os lados DE angola!!! E MUITOS AQUI!!! GERALMENTE sao os NEGROS que sao mais racistas e com PARANOIAS do PASSADO!!!

completamente errado

registe aí



Pontos : 10367

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Vitor mango Dom Nov 01, 2009 10:05 am

O LAGOSTAS escreveu:
Vitor mango escreveu:
O LAGOSTAS escreveu:aquele que se diz anti-racista e o mais racista. cONHECO UM la nascido para os lados DE angola!!! E MUITOS AQUI!!! GERALMENTE sao os NEGROS que sao mais racistas e com PARANOIAS do PASSADO!!!

completamente errado

registe aí



nunca jame e jame

sabe o que sao Moçarabes ?
Vitor mango
Vitor mango

Pontos : 117490

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por RONALDO ALMEIDA Dom Nov 01, 2009 10:09 am

Vitor mango escreveu:
O LAGOSTAS escreveu:
Vitor mango escreveu:
O LAGOSTAS escreveu:aquele que se diz anti-racista e o mais racista. cONHECO UM la nascido para os lados DE angola!!! E MUITOS AQUI!!! GERALMENTE sao os NEGROS que sao mais racistas e com PARANOIAS do PASSADO!!!

completamente errado

registe aí



nunca jame e jame

sabe o que sao Moçarabes ?

Pesquise na internet. NAO TEM maior racista QUE O arabe!!! Para um ARABE, um NEGRO esta ao nivel de um cachorro!!

Pontos : 10367

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por RONALDO ALMEIDA Dom Nov 01, 2009 10:15 am

arab quotes

Posted By: Sopdet
Date: 20, August 02, at 6:56 a.m.

Arab/Iranian/Indian views on black Africans during the medieval era
"In both Arab and Iranian Islamic writings, blacks are accused of being stupid, untruthful, vicious, cowardly, sexually unbridled, ugly and distorted, excessively merry, and easily affected by food and drink."
Minoo Southgate, 1984, Negative Images of Blacks in Some Medieval Iranian Writings
Arabs called African Blacks (typically East Africans) the 'Zanj'. Most Arab writers who spoke disparagingly of black Africans had never traveled to subSaharan Africa. Many of their tales were based on hearsay. In the Arab world, as in Europe, there was also a necessity to justify the enslavement of black Africans by portraying them as subhuman.
At least part of the negative fiction was fabricated by black Africans themselves. Coastal East Africans such as the Swahili formed the trade link between Arabs from Asia and the African interior. To defend their trading zone, they told fantastic stories of the dangers of the interior. Asian merchants were thus discouraged from venturing into the interior and making direct trade links with the wealthy kingdoms there. Thus the Swahili preserved their trade monopoly and prospered.
Although the Arab writers featured below described blacks in demeaning language, Ibn Battuta, the most well-traveled man in pre-modern times, wrote of sub-Saharan Africans in a vastly different light. Of all medieval travel writers, he was the only one who actually traveled to both East Africa and West Africa. Ibn Battuta was a native of Morocco, culturally Arab and ethnically Berber.
In the following table, the observations of Ibn Battuta and other Arab writers are laid out side by side. These are not meant to be direct comparisons as Ibn Battuta was writing of specific black African cultures, while most of the other writers were writing of the generic Zanj:
Other Arab/Indian/Iranian writers Ibn Battuta
"Of the neighbors of the Bujja, Maqdisi had heard that "there is no marriage among them; the child does not know his father, and they eat people -- but God knows best. As for the Zanj, they are people of black color, flat noses, kinky hair, and little understanding or intelligence."
Maqdisi (fl. 966 AD), _Kitab al-Bad'_, vol.4
"We ... traveled by sea to the city of Kulwa [Kilwa in East Africa]...Most of its people are Zunuj, extremely black...The city of Kulwa is amongst the most beautiful of cities and most elegantly built... Their uppermost virtue is religion and righteousness and they are Shafi'i in rite."
Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1331
"The geographer al-Idrisi ascribes 'lack of knowledge and defective minds' to the black peoples. Their ignorance, he says, is notorious; men of learning and distinction are almost unknown among them, and their kings only acquire what they know about government and justice from the instruction of learned visitors from farther north."
Bernard Lewis, 1990, Race and Slavery in the Middle East.
"Another of [the Malli blacks'] good qualities is their concern for learning the sublime Qur'an by heart. They make fetters for their children when they appear on their part to be falling short in their learning of it by heart, and they are not taken off them till they do learn by heart."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"Like the crow among mankind are the Zanj for they are the worst of men and the most vicious of creatures in character and temperament."
Jahiz, _Kitab al-Hayawan_, vol. 2
"Among [the Malli blacks'] good qualities is the small amount of injustice amongst them, for of all people they are the furthest from it..."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"[inhabitants of sub-Saharan African countries] are people distant from the standards of humanity" "Their nature is that of wild animals...."
Persian geography _Hudud al-`alam_, 982 AD
"For [the people of Takadda in West Africa] ease of life and ample conditions are supreme; they vie with one another in the number of slaves and servants they have - as likewise do the people of Malli and Iwalatan. They do not sell educated woman-slaves, except very rarely and at a great price."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"We know that the Zanj (blacks) are the least intelligent and the least discerning of mankind, and the least capable of understanding the consequences of actions."
Jahiz (d. 868 AD), _Kitab al-Bukhala'
"[The people of Mombasa in East Africa] are a religious people, trustworthy and righteous. Their mosques are made of wood, expertly built."
Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1331
"They [the Shu`ubiyya] maintain that eloquence is prized by all people at all times -- even the Zanj, despite their dimness, their boundless stupidity, their obtuseness, their crude perceptions and their evil dispositions, make long speeches."
Jahiz, Al-Bayan wa`l-tabyin, vol. 3
"I met the qadi of Malli... he is a black, has been on a pilgrimage, and is a noble person with good qualities of character... I met the interpreter Dugha, a noble black and a leader of theirs... They performed their duty towards me [as a guest] most perfectly; may God bless and reward them for their good deeds!"
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"Galen says that merriment dominates the black man because of his defective brain, whence also the weakness of his intelligence."
Mas`udi (d. 956 AD), Muruj al-dhahab_
"Another of the good habits among [the people of Malli] is the way they meticulously observe the times of the prayers and attendance at them, so also it is with regard to their congregational services and the beating of their children to instill these things in them."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"As regards southern countries, all their inhabitants are black on account of the heat of their climate... Most of them go naked... In all their lands and provinces, gold is found.... They are people distant from the standards of humanity."
Hudud al-`Alam_, Persian geography, 982 AD
"[The sultan of Malli] holds sessions during the days associated with the 2 festivals...The men-at-arms come with wonderful weaponry, quivers of silver and gold, swords covered with gold, their sheaths of the same, spears of silver and gold and wands of crystal.. On [the women] are fine clothes and on their heads they have bands of silver and gold apples as pendants... then come...young men who... have a wonderful gracefulness and lightness...they juggle with swords beautifully."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"The Zanj are so uncivilized that they have no notion of a natural death. If a man dies a natural death, they think he was poisoned. Every death is suspicious with them, if a man has not been killed by a weapon."
Abu Rayhan al-Biruni, _India_, 1030 AD
"... there is also the prevalence of peace in their country, the traveler is not afraid in it nor is he who lives there in fear of the thief or the robber by violence...there are no thieves in their country"
Ibn Battuta, 14th century, writing about Mali
About the Zanj: "Their nature is that of wild animals. They are extremely black." About the Sudan: "Among themselves there are people who steal each other's children and sell them to the merchants when the latter arrive."
Hudud al-`Alam_, 982 AD
"[The sultan of Kilwa, East Africa] ... was Father of Gifts because of his many gifts and deeds of generosity... This sultan is a very humble man. He sits with the poor people and eats with them... The gratitude of the people to the sultan increased at the evidence of his humility and graciousness."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"If (all types of men) are taken, from the first, and one placed after another, like the Negro from Zanzibar, in the Southern-most countries, the Negro does not differ from an animal in anything except the fact that his hands have been lifted from the earth,--in no other peculiarity or property,--except for what God wished. Many have seen that the ape is more capable of being trained than the Negro, and more intelligent."
Philosopher-theologian Nasir al-Din Tusi (1201-74), _Tasawwurat_
[Mogadishu (in East Africa)] is a town endless in its size... Its people are powerful merchants. In it are manufactured the cloths named after it which have no rival, and are transported as far as Egypt and elsewhere.
Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1331
"Therefore, the Negro nation are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because [Negroes] have little [that is essentially] human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated."
Ibn Khaldun, _Muqaddimah_, 14th century AD
"Then I reached [a West African town]. This town had as its governor an excellent man, a pilgrim called Farba Sulaiman, well known for his bravery and tenacity...An Arab slave girl of his from Damascus came in to us. She was an Arab and spoke to me in Arabic."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
Note that in this case, a black man owned an Arab slave
"A man of discernment said: The people of Iraq ... do not come out with something between blonde, buff and blanched coloring, such as the infants dropped from the wombs of the women of the Slavs and others of similar light complexion; nor are they overdone in the womb until they are burned, so that the child comes out something between black, murky, malodorous, stinking, and crinkly-haired, with uneven limbs, deficient minds, and depraved passions, such as the Zanj, the Somali, and other blacks who resemble them. The Iraqis are neither half-baked dough nor burned crust but between the two."
Ibn al-Faqih al-Hamadani, _Mukhtasar Kitab al-Buldan_, 903 AD
"Another of [the Malli blacks'] good qualities is their concern for learning the sublime Qur'an by heart...One day I passed a handsome youth from them dressed in fine clothes and on his feet was a heavy chain. I said to the man who was with me, 'What has this youth done -- has he killed someone?' The youth heard my remark and laughed. It was told me, 'He has been chained so that he will learn the Qu'ran by heart.'"
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"beyond [known peoples of black West Africa] to the south there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves, and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings."
Ibn Khaldun, _Muqaddimah_
"There came to sultan Mansa Sulaiman (of the Mali empire) a group of these blacks who eat human beings accompanied by one of their amirs... They cover themselves in silk mantles... The sultan was gracious to them...They...came to the sultan to return thanks."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"[Blacks] are ugly and misshapen, because they live in a hot country."
Ibn Qutayba (828-89 A.D.)
"[the people of Iwalatan in West Africa] were generous to me and entertained me...and as for their women -- they are extremely beautiful and are more important than the men"
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"The Zanj are slight-witted (_kam 'aql_), and God, most high, has created them stupid, ignorant, and foul (_palid_)."
anonymous, Iskandarnamah, 1343 AD
"[The sultan of Kilwa, East Africa] ... was Father of Gifts because of his many gifts and deeds of generosity... This sultan is a very humble man. He sits with the poor people and eats with them... The gratitude of the people to the sultan increased at the evidence of his humility and graciousness."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Vitor mango Dom Nov 01, 2009 10:17 am

sabia que os arasbes foram quem recebeu os judeus expulso de toda a europa

ja agora sabe onden exisdte a maior colonia judaica fora dos EUA ?
Irão ( poois nao sao arabes mas estao la perto
Vitor mango
Vitor mango

Pontos : 117490

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Vitor mango Dom Nov 01, 2009 10:21 am

Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Solidariedade-em-portugal%20copy

ironia is ironia

Última edição por Vitor mango em Dom Nov 01, 2009 10:22 am, editado 1 vez(es)
Vitor mango
Vitor mango

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por RONALDO ALMEIDA Dom Nov 01, 2009 10:21 am

Vitor mango escreveu:sabia que os arasbes foram quem recebeu os judeus expulso de toda a europa

ja agora sabe onden exisdte a maior colonia judaica fora dos EUA ?
Irão ( poois nao sao arabes mas estao la perto

nao venha meter judeus NA conversa, estamos A FALAR DE COMO OS arabes tratam OS negros!!!

Pontos : 10367

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Viriato Dom Nov 01, 2009 10:40 am

O LAGOSTAS escreveu:arab quotes

Posted By: Sopdet
Date: 20, August 02, at 6:56 a.m.

Arab/Iranian/Indian views on black Africans during the medieval era
"In both Arab and Iranian Islamic writings, blacks are accused of being stupid, untruthful, vicious, cowardly, sexually unbridled, ugly and distorted, excessively merry, and easily affected by food and drink."
Minoo Southgate, 1984, Negative Images of Blacks in Some Medieval Iranian Writings
Arabs called African Blacks (typically East Africans) the 'Zanj'. Most Arab writers who spoke disparagingly of black Africans had never traveled to subSaharan Africa. Many of their tales were based on hearsay. In the Arab world, as in Europe, there was also a necessity to justify the enslavement of black Africans by portraying them as subhuman.
At least part of the negative fiction was fabricated by black Africans themselves. Coastal East Africans such as the Swahili formed the trade link between Arabs from Asia and the African interior. To defend their trading zone, they told fantastic stories of the dangers of the interior. Asian merchants were thus discouraged from venturing into the interior and making direct trade links with the wealthy kingdoms there. Thus the Swahili preserved their trade monopoly and prospered.
Although the Arab writers featured below described blacks in demeaning language, Ibn Battuta, the most well-traveled man in pre-modern times, wrote of sub-Saharan Africans in a vastly different light. Of all medieval travel writers, he was the only one who actually traveled to both East Africa and West Africa. Ibn Battuta was a native of Morocco, culturally Arab and ethnically Berber.
In the following table, the observations of Ibn Battuta and other Arab writers are laid out side by side. These are not meant to be direct comparisons as Ibn Battuta was writing of specific black African cultures, while most of the other writers were writing of the generic Zanj:
Other Arab/Indian/Iranian writers Ibn Battuta
"Of the neighbors of the Bujja, Maqdisi had heard that "there is no marriage among them; the child does not know his father, and they eat people -- but God knows best. As for the Zanj, they are people of black color, flat noses, kinky hair, and little understanding or intelligence."
Maqdisi (fl. 966 AD), _Kitab al-Bad'_, vol.4
"We ... traveled by sea to the city of Kulwa [Kilwa in East Africa]...Most of its people are Zunuj, extremely black...The city of Kulwa is amongst the most beautiful of cities and most elegantly built... Their uppermost virtue is religion and righteousness and they are Shafi'i in rite."
Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1331
"The geographer al-Idrisi ascribes 'lack of knowledge and defective minds' to the black peoples. Their ignorance, he says, is notorious; men of learning and distinction are almost unknown among them, and their kings only acquire what they know about government and justice from the instruction of learned visitors from farther north."
Bernard Lewis, 1990, Race and Slavery in the Middle East.
"Another of [the Malli blacks'] good qualities is their concern for learning the sublime Qur'an by heart. They make fetters for their children when they appear on their part to be falling short in their learning of it by heart, and they are not taken off them till they do learn by heart."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"Like the crow among mankind are the Zanj for they are the worst of men and the most vicious of creatures in character and temperament."
Jahiz, _Kitab al-Hayawan_, vol. 2
"Among [the Malli blacks'] good qualities is the small amount of injustice amongst them, for of all people they are the furthest from it..."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"[inhabitants of sub-Saharan African countries] are people distant from the standards of humanity" "Their nature is that of wild animals...."
Persian geography _Hudud al-`alam_, 982 AD
"For [the people of Takadda in West Africa] ease of life and ample conditions are supreme; they vie with one another in the number of slaves and servants they have - as likewise do the people of Malli and Iwalatan. They do not sell educated woman-slaves, except very rarely and at a great price."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"We know that the Zanj (blacks) are the least intelligent and the least discerning of mankind, and the least capable of understanding the consequences of actions."
Jahiz (d. 868 AD), _Kitab al-Bukhala'
"[The people of Mombasa in East Africa] are a religious people, trustworthy and righteous. Their mosques are made of wood, expertly built."
Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1331
"They [the Shu`ubiyya] maintain that eloquence is prized by all people at all times -- even the Zanj, despite their dimness, their boundless stupidity, their obtuseness, their crude perceptions and their evil dispositions, make long speeches."
Jahiz, Al-Bayan wa`l-tabyin, vol. 3
"I met the qadi of Malli... he is a black, has been on a pilgrimage, and is a noble person with good qualities of character... I met the interpreter Dugha, a noble black and a leader of theirs... They performed their duty towards me [as a guest] most perfectly; may God bless and reward them for their good deeds!"
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"Galen says that merriment dominates the black man because of his defective brain, whence also the weakness of his intelligence."
Mas`udi (d. 956 AD), Muruj al-dhahab_
"Another of the good habits among [the people of Malli] is the way they meticulously observe the times of the prayers and attendance at them, so also it is with regard to their congregational services and the beating of their children to instill these things in them."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"As regards southern countries, all their inhabitants are black on account of the heat of their climate... Most of them go naked... In all their lands and provinces, gold is found.... They are people distant from the standards of humanity."
Hudud al-`Alam_, Persian geography, 982 AD
"[The sultan of Malli] holds sessions during the days associated with the 2 festivals...The men-at-arms come with wonderful weaponry, quivers of silver and gold, swords covered with gold, their sheaths of the same, spears of silver and gold and wands of crystal.. On [the women] are fine clothes and on their heads they have bands of silver and gold apples as pendants... then come...young men who... have a wonderful gracefulness and lightness...they juggle with swords beautifully."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"The Zanj are so uncivilized that they have no notion of a natural death. If a man dies a natural death, they think he was poisoned. Every death is suspicious with them, if a man has not been killed by a weapon."
Abu Rayhan al-Biruni, _India_, 1030 AD
"... there is also the prevalence of peace in their country, the traveler is not afraid in it nor is he who lives there in fear of the thief or the robber by violence...there are no thieves in their country"
Ibn Battuta, 14th century, writing about Mali
About the Zanj: "Their nature is that of wild animals. They are extremely black." About the Sudan: "Among themselves there are people who steal each other's children and sell them to the merchants when the latter arrive."
Hudud al-`Alam_, 982 AD
"[The sultan of Kilwa, East Africa] ... was Father of Gifts because of his many gifts and deeds of generosity... This sultan is a very humble man. He sits with the poor people and eats with them... The gratitude of the people to the sultan increased at the evidence of his humility and graciousness."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"If (all types of men) are taken, from the first, and one placed after another, like the Negro from Zanzibar, in the Southern-most countries, the Negro does not differ from an animal in anything except the fact that his hands have been lifted from the earth,--in no other peculiarity or property,--except for what God wished. Many have seen that the ape is more capable of being trained than the Negro, and more intelligent."
Philosopher-theologian Nasir al-Din Tusi (1201-74), _Tasawwurat_
[Mogadishu (in East Africa)] is a town endless in its size... Its people are powerful merchants. In it are manufactured the cloths named after it which have no rival, and are transported as far as Egypt and elsewhere.
Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1331
"Therefore, the Negro nation are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because [Negroes] have little [that is essentially] human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated."
Ibn Khaldun, _Muqaddimah_, 14th century AD
"Then I reached [a West African town]. This town had as its governor an excellent man, a pilgrim called Farba Sulaiman, well known for his bravery and tenacity...An Arab slave girl of his from Damascus came in to us. She was an Arab and spoke to me in Arabic."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
Note that in this case, a black man owned an Arab slave
"A man of discernment said: The people of Iraq ... do not come out with something between blonde, buff and blanched coloring, such as the infants dropped from the wombs of the women of the Slavs and others of similar light complexion; nor are they overdone in the womb until they are burned, so that the child comes out something between black, murky, malodorous, stinking, and crinkly-haired, with uneven limbs, deficient minds, and depraved passions, such as the Zanj, the Somali, and other blacks who resemble them. The Iraqis are neither half-baked dough nor burned crust but between the two."
Ibn al-Faqih al-Hamadani, _Mukhtasar Kitab al-Buldan_, 903 AD
"Another of [the Malli blacks'] good qualities is their concern for learning the sublime Qur'an by heart...One day I passed a handsome youth from them dressed in fine clothes and on his feet was a heavy chain. I said to the man who was with me, 'What has this youth done -- has he killed someone?' The youth heard my remark and laughed. It was told me, 'He has been chained so that he will learn the Qu'ran by heart.'"
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"beyond [known peoples of black West Africa] to the south there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves, and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings."
Ibn Khaldun, _Muqaddimah_
"There came to sultan Mansa Sulaiman (of the Mali empire) a group of these blacks who eat human beings accompanied by one of their amirs... They cover themselves in silk mantles... The sultan was gracious to them...They...came to the sultan to return thanks."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"[Blacks] are ugly and misshapen, because they live in a hot country."
Ibn Qutayba (828-89 A.D.)
"[the people of Iwalatan in West Africa] were generous to me and entertained me...and as for their women -- they are extremely beautiful and are more important than the men"
Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"The Zanj are slight-witted (_kam 'aql_), and God, most high, has created them stupid, ignorant, and foul (_palid_)."
anonymous, Iskandarnamah, 1343 AD
"[The sultan of Kilwa, East Africa] ... was Father of Gifts because of his many gifts and deeds of generosity... This sultan is a very humble man. He sits with the poor people and eats with them... The gratitude of the people to the sultan increased at the evidence of his humility and graciousness."
Ibn Battuta, 14th century

Como pode ver e ler, está enganado.....

שחורים בתקופת ימי הביניים
"בשני ערבים כתבים האסלאמית האיראנית, השחורים הם האשימו טיפש, כוזב, מרושעת, פחדנית, מינית בלתי מרוסנת, מכוערת מעוותת, מוגזמת, עליזה, ובקלות מושפע אוכל ושתייה."
Minoo Southgate, 1984, תמונות שלילי של השחורים יש בכתבי ימי הביניים האיראני
הערבים קראו שחורים אפריקה (בדרך כלל האפריקאים מזרח) ה 'Zanj'. רוב הערבים סופרים שדיבר בזלזול של האפריקאים השחורים מעולם לא נסע אפריקה subSaharan. רבים הסיפורים שלהם היו מבוססים על שמועות. בעולם הערבי, כמו באירופה, היה גם הצורך להצדיק את השעבוד של אפריקנים שחורים מגלמים אותם תת אנושי.
לפחות חלק בדיוני השלילי היה מפוברק על ידי אפריקאים שחורים עצמם. החוף מזרח אפריקאים כגון סווהילית יצרו את הקישור הסחר בין ערבים אסיה אפריקה הפנים. להגן על אזור המסחר שלהם, הם סיפרו סיפורים פנטסטי של הסכנות הפנים. סוחרים באסיה היו מיואש ולכן מן להעז אל פנים ולעשות קשרי הסחר הישיר עם הממלכות עשירים שם. כך סווהילית לגובה מונופול הסחר שלהם שגשגה.
למרות בהשתתפות סופרים ערבים שחורים מתחת תיאר בשפה מבזה, אבן בטוטה, הכי טוב נסע האיש שלפני זמננו, כתב המשנה של האפריקאים סהרה באור שונה בהרבה. כל נסיעה של סופרים מימי הביניים, הוא היה היחיד שבאמת נסע הן במזרח אפריקה ו מערב אפריקה. אבן בטוטה היה יליד מרוקו, אתנית ותרבותית הערבית ברברית.
בטבלה הבאה, תצפיות של אבן בטוטה וסופרים ערבים אחרים הם מונחים זה לצד זה. אלה לא אמורה להיות השוואה ישירה כמו אבן בטוטה היה כתיבה ספציפיים של תרבויות אפריקה השחורה, בעוד רוב הכותבים אחרות היו הכתיבה של Zanj הגנרית:
אחר ערבי / הודי / סופרים האיראני אבן בטוטה
"השכנים של Bujja, Maqdisi שמע כי" אין הנישואין ביניהם; הילד אינו מכיר את אבא שלו, והם אוכלים אנשים - אבל אלוהים יודע הכי טוב. באשר Zanj, הם אנשים של צבע שחור, אפם שטוח, שיער מקורזל, והבנה קצת או אינטליגנציה. "
Maqdisi (פעל 966 לספירה), אל _Kitab-Bad'_, Vol.4
"אנחנו ... נסע בדרך הים בעיר Kulwa [קילווה במזרח אפריקה] ... רוב האנשים שלה הם Zunuj, מאוד שחור ... העיר Kulwa הוא בין היפים ביותר של הערים ביותר בנוי באלגנטיות. .. מכוח עליון שלהם היא דת צדקת והם Shafi'i של הטקס. "
אבן בטוטה, A.D. 1331
"אל הגיאוגרף-חוסר מייחס Idrisi 'ידע ומוחות פגומים' אל עמי שחור. בורותם, הוא אומר, הוא ידוע לשמצה; גברים של למידה הם כמעט לא ידוע הבחנה ביניהם, ומלכים שלהם לרכוש רק מה הם יודעים על הממשלה וצדק מן ההוראה של המבקרים למדו צפונה. "
ברנרד לואיס, 1990, גזע עבדות במזרח התיכון.
"נוסף של [ה 'שחורים Malli] תכונות טובות הוא הדאגה שלהם כדי ללמוד את הקוראן בעל פה הנשגב. נחושתיים הם עושים עבור הילדים כאשר הם מופיעים על חלק שלהם להיות נפילה קצר בלימוד שלהם של אותו בעל פה, והם הם לא הוריד אותם עד שהם עושים ללמוד בעל פה. "
אבן בטוטה, המאה ה -14
"כמו העורב בין בני האדם הם Zanj עבור הם הגרועים ביותר של גברים אכזרי ביותר של יצורים בעלי אופי ומזג."
Jahiz, אל _Kitab-Hayawan_, Vol. 2
"בין [ה 'שחורים Malli] תכונות טובות הוא כמות קטנה של צדק ביניהם, עבור כל האנשים הם המרוחק ממנו ..."
אבן בטוטה, המאה ה -14
"[תושבי הסהרה מדינות אפריקאיות] אנשים רחוקים בסטנדרטים של האנושות" "הטבע שלהם היא של חיות בר ...."
אל הפרסי גיאוגרפיה _Hudud-alam_ `, 982 לספירה
"במשך [האנשים של Takadda במערב אפריקה] להקל על תנאי החיים הם בשפע עליון; הם להתחרות אחד עם השני במספר של עבדים עבדי הם - כמו לעשות כמוהו לעם Malli ו Iwalatan. הם לא מוכרים משכיל אישה עבדים, אלא לעתים רחוקות מאוד במחיר נהדר. "
אבן בטוטה, המאה ה -14
"אנו יודעים כי Zanj (השחורים) הם לפחות אינטליגנטי ואת לפחות הבחנה של המין האנושי, ואת לפחות מסוגל להבין את ההשלכות של פעולות."
Jahiz (נפטר 868 לספירה), אל _Kitab-Bukhala '
"[האנשים של מומבסה במזרח אפריקה] הם אנשים דתיים, אמין וצדיק. המסגדים שלהם עשויות מעץ, במומחיות בנוי."
אבן בטוטה, A.D. 1331
"הם [שו` ubiyya] לשמור על צחות לשון כי הוא יקר ערך על ידי כל האנשים כל הזמן - אפילו Zanj, למרות האפלולית שלהם, הטמטום שלהם ללא גבולות, האטימות שלהם, התפיסות שלהם גולמי המערכים הרוע שלהם, נאומים ארוכים. "
Jahiz, אל ביאן WA `L-tabyin, Vol. 3
"פגשתי את קאדי של Malli ... הוא שחור, כבר לרגל, וגם הוא אדם אציל עם תכונות טובות ... אופי פגשתי המתורגמן Dugha, שחור אצילי מנהיג שלהם .. . הם הופיעו חובה כלפי [שלהם כאורח] הכי מושלמת; ייתכן שאלוהים יברך לגמול להם על מעשיהם הטובים! "
אבן בטוטה, המאה ה -14
"גלן אומר כי עליצות שולט על אדם שחור כי המוח שלו פגום, משם גם את חולשתו של המודיעין שלו."
Mas `אודי (נפטר 956 לספירה), אל Muruj-dhahab_
"נוסף של הרגלים טובים בין [האנשים של Malli] היא הדרך לשמור בקפדנות הם מועדי התפילות שנכחו אותם, כך הוא גם לגבי שירותים הקהילתית שלהם ואת המכות של ילדיהם כדי להחדיר את הדברים האלה אותם. "
אבן בטוטה, המאה ה -14
"באשר למדינות הדרום, כל התושבים שלהם הם שחור על חשבון החום של האקלים שלהם ... רובם ללכת עירום ... בכל האדמות שלהם המחוזות, זהב נמצא .... הם אנשים מרוחקת סטנדרטים של האנושות. "
אל Hudud-`Alam_, גיאוגרפיה הפרסית, 982 לספירה
"[סולטן Malli] מחזיקה פגישות במהלך הימים המזוהים עם פסטיבלי 2 ... הגברים-at-נשק לבוא עם נשק נפלא, מרטיט של כסף וזהב, חרבות מכוסה זהב, כיסויי שלהם זהה, של בריטני כסף וזהב ו .. wands של קריסטל ב [נשים] הם בגדים יפים ועל ראשי יש להם להקות של כסף ותפוחים זהב תליונים שלהם ... ואז בא ... צעירים ... יש חן נפלא קלילות ... הם ללהטט עם חרבות יפה. "
אבן בטוטה, המאה ה -14
"Zanj הם כל כך לא תרבותי שאין להם מושג של מוות טבעי. אם אדם מת מוות טבעי, הם חושבים שהוא הורעל. כל מוות הוא חשוד איתם, אם איש לא היה נהרג על ידי נשק."
אבו אל Rayhan-Biruni, _India_, 1030 לספירה
"... יש גם את השכיחות של השלום במדינה שלהם, הנוסע אינו חושש בו ולא הוא מי שגר שם בפחד של הגנב או השודד על ידי אלימות ... אין גנבים במדינה שלהם"
אבן בטוטה, המאה ה -14, כותב על מאלי
על Zanj: "טבעם זה של חיות בר. הם מאוד שחור." על סודאן: "בינם לבין עצמם יש אנשים לגנוב לזה של ילדים כדי למכור אותם הסוחרים כאשר הלה להגיע."
אל Hudud-Alam_ `, 982 לספירה
"[סולטן קילווה, מזרח אפריקה] ... היה אבא של מתנות בגלל מתנות רבות שלו מעשים של נדיבות ... זה הסולטן הוא איש צנוע מאוד. הוא יושב עם אנשים עניים ואוכלת איתם ... הכרת התודה של העם הסולטן הגדילה את הראיות של ענווה חסד שלו. "
אבן בטוטה, המאה ה -14
"אם (את כל סוגי הגברים) לקוחים, מן הראשון, הניח אחד אחר, כמו את הכושי מן זנזיבר, בדרום, רוב מדינות העולם, הכושי אינו שונה חיה דבר מלבד העובדה ידיו הוסרו מן האדמה, - ב לא מוזרות או רכוש אחר, - למעט מה אלוהים רוצה. רבים ראו כי הוא יותר קוף מסוגל להיות מאומן יותר מאשר את הכושי, ויותר אינטליגנטי. "
פילוסוף, תיאולוג נאסיר אל-דין Tusi (1201-74), _Tasawwurat_
[מוגדישו (במזרח אפריקה)] היא עיר אינסופית בגודל שלה ... סוחרים אנשיה הם חזקים. בו מיוצרים את המטליות שמו של זה אשר אין להם יריבות, וכן מועברים עד מצרים ובמקומות אחרים.
אבן בטוטה, A.D. 1331
"לכן, האומה כושי הם, ככלל, כנועה לעבדות, כי [כושים] יש קצת [כי הוא במהותו] אדם יש תכונות די דומות לאלה של חיות מטומטם, כפי שיש לנו הצהיר."
אבן חלדון, _Muqaddimah_, המאה ה -14 לספירה
"ואז הגעתי [עיר מערב אפריקה]. העיירה הזאת היו כמושל איש מצוין שלה, צליין קרא Farba סולימאן, הידוע עבור גבורה העקשנות שלו ... שפחה הערבית מדמשק שלו באו אלינו. היא היתה ערבי דיבר איתי בערבית. "
אבן בטוטה, המאה ה -14
שים לב כי במקרה זה, גבר שחור שפחה בבעלות ערבית
"גבר ההבחנה אמר: האנשים של עיראק ... לא יוצאים עם משהו בין צהבהב בלונדינית, צביעה החוויר, כגון תינוקות ירד מן wombs של הנשים של הסלאבים ואחרים של גוון האור דומה; ולא הם מוגזמת ברחם עד שהם שרפו, כדי שהילד יוצא משהו בין שחור, אפלולי, מסריח, מסריח, ואת קמטוטי שיער, עם גפיים לא אחידה, המוחות לקויה, ואת התשוקות המושחת, כגון Zanj, הסומלי , ושחורים אחרים אשר דומים להם. העיראקים אינם בצק אפוי למחצה ולא שרף קרום אבל בין השניים. "
אל אבן אל Faqih-Hamadani, _Mukhtasar אל כיתב-Buldan_, 903 לספירה
"נוסף של [ה 'שחורים Malli] תכונות טובות הוא הדאגה שלהם כדי ללמוד את הקוראן בעל פה הנשגב ... יום אחד עברתי הנוער נאה מהם לבושים בבגדים הקנס על רגליו היה שרשרת כבדה. אמרתי האיש שהיה אתי, 'מה זה נעשה נוער - יש הוא הרג מישהו? " בני הנוער שמעו בהערה שלי וצחק. זה היה אמר לי, 'הוא היה כבול כך שהוא ילמדו את Qu'ran על ידי הלב. "
אבן בטוטה, המאה ה -14
"מעבר [ידוע העמים של אפריקה המערבית שחור] דרומה אין תרבות במובן הנכון. ישנם רק בני אדם שנמצאים קרוב יותר חיות מטומטם מאשר יצורים רציונליים. הם גרים סבך ומערות, ולאכול עשבים מוכנה תבואה . הם לעתים קרובות לאכול אחד את השני. הם לא יכולים להיחשב בני אדם. "
אבן חלדון, _Muqaddimah_
"הנה בא Mansa סולטן סולימאן (האימפריה של מאלי) קבוצה של שחורים אלה שאוכלים בני אדם מלווה אחד amirs שלהם ... הם מכסים עצמם מעיל משי ... הסולטן היה אדיב אליהם הם ... ... בא לידי הסולטן לחזור תודה. "
אבן בטוטה, המאה ה -14
"[שחורים] הם מכוערים ומעוותים, משום שהם חיים במדינה חמה."
אבן Qutayba (828-89 A.D.)
"[העם של Iwalatan במערב אפריקה] היו נדיבים אלי אירח אותי ... וגם לנשים שלהם - הם מאוד יפים חשובים יותר את הגברים"
אבן בטוטה, המאה ה -14
"הם Zanj קל תפיסה (_kam 'aql_), ואת אלוהים, גבוה ביותר, יצרה אותם טיפשים, בורים, ועל עבירה (_palid_)."
אנונימי, Iskandarnamah, 1343 לספירה
"[סולטן קילווה, מזרח אפריקה] ... היה אבא של מתנות בגלל מתנות רבות שלו מעשים של נדיבות ... זה הסולטן הוא איש צנוע מאוד. הוא יושב עם אנשים עניים ואוכלת איתם ... הכרת התודה של העם הסולטן הגדילה את הראיות של ענווה חסד שלו. "
אבן בטוטה, המאה ה -14

Pontos : 16657

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por RONALDO ALMEIDA Dom Nov 01, 2009 10:43 am

os mais racistas sao os arabes e os negros!!!

Pontos : 10367

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Viriato Dom Nov 01, 2009 10:48 am

Um gajo que diz que a destruição de Nova Orleães pelo vulcão Katrina foi culpa do negro que era presidente da câmara.

Um gajo que diz que a crise mundial económica (subprime) foi culpa dos negros que compraram casas e não as pagaram.

Um gajo que trata o seu presidente da república por "preto" e lhe vaticina e deseja a morte constantemente.

Um gajo que faz isso tudo, como se poderá apelidar. Só conheço um nome. Porco racista....

Pontos : 16657

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por RONALDO ALMEIDA Dom Nov 01, 2009 10:50 am

porco racista nojento E VOCE. cONHECO MUITOS COMO VOCE. com pancada!!

Pontos : 10367

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por TheNightTrain Dom Nov 01, 2009 11:53 am

Viriato escreveu:Um gajo que diz que a destruição de Nova Orleães pelo vulcão Katrina foi culpa do negro que era presidente da câmara.

Um gajo que diz que a crise mundial económica (subprime) foi culpa dos negros que compraram casas e não as pagaram.

Um gajo que trata o seu presidente da república por "preto" e lhe vaticina e deseja a morte constantemente.

Um gajo que faz isso tudo, como se poderá apelidar. Só conheço um nome. Porco racista....

O RONALDO devia ter vergonha e assumir que é isto que escreve aqui incessantemente.


Pontos : 1089

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Vitor mango Dom Nov 01, 2009 11:54 am

meninos meninos

deixem os porcos
os arabes nao cxomem porco carago
mas como bom tuga afiambro sempre uma boa costeleta e um bom tinto
Vitor mango
Vitor mango

Pontos : 117490

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Viriato Dom Nov 01, 2009 11:59 am

O LAGOSTAS escreveu:
porco racista nojento E VOCE. cONHECO MUITOS COMO VOCE. com pancada!!

Gostaria que me desse um exemplo do meu comportamento aqui que leve a ser classificado de racista. Se não o fizer, mais uma vez se confirma, que só sabe caluniar gratuitamente as pessoas. Que para se defender das suas inqualificáveis posições, o mais que sabe, é tentar lançar lama sobre os outros. Atitude própria de seres reles e inferiores.

Pontos : 16657

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por RONALDO ALMEIDA Dom Nov 01, 2009 12:07 pm

Viriato escreveu:Um gajo que diz que a destruição de Nova Orleães pelo vulcão Katrina foi culpa do negro que era presidente da câmara.

Um gajo que diz que a crise mundial económica (subprime) foi culpa dos negros que compraram casas e não as pagaram.

Um gajo que trata o seu presidente da república por "preto" e lhe vaticina e deseja a morte constantemente.

Um gajo que faz isso tudo, como se poderá apelidar. Só conheço um nome. Porco racista....

O RONALDO devia ter vergonha e assumir que é isto que escreve aqui incessantemente.

ai ai, a mente socialista...................................

PONTO 1- NUNCA DISSE QUE O MAYOR DE N.ORLEANS teve a culpa. NEM GEORGE como querem fazer crer, e DEUS!!! o QUE EU DISSE E QUE A Louisiana ERA ADMINISTRADA POR UM democrata , UMA vespa QUE SO ELA PODIA PEDIR ao GOVERNO FEDERAL para INTERVIR e levou 24 horas para o fazer. O MAYOR de N.ORLEANS que e uma TREMENDA vespa em vez de ecvacuar as pessoas , nao o fez. 2200 AUTOCARROS ESCOLARES que deveriam ser usados para isso foram ALAGADOS E DESTRUIDOS!!!


ponto 3 = No BRASIL nao ha mal nenhum em chamr de preto a quem e preto e branco a quem e branco. O BRASIL tem 67 000 000 de pretos!

PONTO 4- A CONTINUAR estas politicas SOCIALISTAS e contra a AMERICA, nao lhe vejo GRANDE FUTURO. Nao sou DEUS!!!

racista, jamais fui OU sou. Tenho familiares pretos. Os maiores amigos dos meus filhos sao ARBES. Tenho empregados desde AFRICANOS, NEGROS AMERICANOS, HAITIANOS etc. TENHO INMEROS AMIGOS PRETOS, tanto Americanos COMO BRASILEIROS! A minha CASA DE PRAIA do BRASIL e em ORLANDO e frequentada por BLACKS. PORTANTO meus amigos o RACISMO MEU esta na vossa TOLA DOENTE!!

Pontos : 10367

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Vitor mango Dom Nov 01, 2009 12:55 pm

Vou ser claro ( escuro para evitar piadas )

Meter as " Ditas raças " no mesmo saco ´~e tambem cairmos em erro ja que a mae natureza moldou o SER Humano de acordo com o clima onde vivia fechando osw olhos aos gelados esquimós ou esticando os tuaregos e negros para resistirem ao calor ou fazendo os lpoiroas (ou loiraças no Norte do planeta )

Um negro manifesta-se pelo seu ginjar do corpo , o xinas pelo esgar da boca e Branco pelos xispar dos olhos

O problema que os meninos estao a mexer é desenquadrado da realiodadee "Racial "
Um pele vermelha a viver na floresta pode ser um gajo avançadissimo na sua estrutura social e modo de vida

O Drama meus manos ´~e que com as viagensx de Boing e airbus a desembarcar raças criamos uma só raça

A dos viajuANTES


Vitor mango
Vitor mango

Pontos : 117490

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por RONALDO ALMEIDA Dom Nov 01, 2009 12:57 pm

NAO SOU nem NUNCA fui RACISTA. Aqui no VAGEANDO, nao acredito que NINGUEM seja RACISTA a excepcao de UM!!! Conheco bem estes RACISTAS AO CONTRARIO! o pobre SOFRE DE reverse raciam, QUE E MUITO MAIS SERIO DO QUE O racismo!!

Pontos : 10367

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por Vitor mango Dom Nov 01, 2009 1:03 pm

O LAGOSTAS escreveu:NAO SOU nem NUNCA fui RACISTA. Aqui no VAGEANDO, nao acredito que NINGUEM seja RACISTA a excepcao de UM!!! Conheco bem estes RACISTAS AO CONTRARIO! o pobre SOFRE DE reverse raciam, QUE E MUITO MAIS SERIO DO QUE O racismo!!

Vitor mango
Vitor mango

Pontos : 117490

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

Mensagem por RONALDO ALMEIDA Dom Nov 01, 2009 1:06 pm

Vitor mango escreveu:
O LAGOSTAS escreveu:NAO SOU nem NUNCA fui RACISTA. Aqui no VAGEANDO, nao acredito que NINGUEM seja RACISTA a excepcao de UM!!! Conheco bem estes RACISTAS AO CONTRARIO! o pobre SOFRE DE reverse raciam, QUE E MUITO MAIS SERIO DO QUE O racismo!!


NAO ADMITO e nao dei confianca e NAO TEEM MORAL seja quem for , para me chamar de PORCO RACISTA como essa VERGONHA de VIRIATO que aqui INSULTA as pessoas a TORTO E DIREITO E POR ISSO afasta as pessoas daqui, SO QUE EU NAO ME AFASTO A MIM DA-ME MAIS FORCA!!!

Pontos : 10367

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Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao Empty Re: Gosto de ser solidario ...e aqui o anraca tem o meu abraçao

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