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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por Terminator Seg Set 14, 2009 3:23 pm

Opositores de sanções à ilha comunista
esperavam gesto simbólico do Presidente

Obama assinou por mais um ano embargo a Cuba

Obama mantem embargo a Cuba 280093?tp=UH&db=IMAGENS&w=320

O Presidente dos Estados Unidos assinou hoje uma ordem prolongando o embargo dos Estados Unidos a Cuba, apesar dos apelos dos opositores ao embargo para que desse continuação às suas medidas de atenuação das sanções comerciais à ilha comunista.

No entanto, a assinatura de Barack Obama era esperada. "O Presidente determinou que é do interesse nacional dos EUA continuar durante mais um ano o exercício de algumas autoridades relativamente a Cuba, ao abrigo da Lei de Negociar com o Inimigo", diz um comunicado da Casa Branca.

Em Abril, Obama anunciou que iria restringir as sanções às trocas comerciais impostas a Cuba há cerca de meio século, desde a revolução de Fidel Castro, que instituiu um regime comunista na ilha.

No início deste mês, Obama deu mais realidade a esta intenção, quando entraram em vigor medidas como as de permitir a americanos com parentes em Cuba enviar-lhes dinheiro, sem impor limites, e visitar a ilha sempre que quisessem, e durante o tempo que desejassem.

O grupo de defesa dos direitos humanos Amnistia Internacional tinha apelado a Obama para que não assinasse a extensão do embargo durante mais um ano, defendendo que este entrava um dos direitos humanos básicos, o direito à saúde.

Se Obama não tivesse assinado, o embargo continuaria na mesma, pois assim está disposto na Lei Helms-Burton, aprovada em 1996. Mas se Obama recusasse assinar o prolongamento do embargo, seria um importante gesto simbólico.

14.09.2009 - 21h11 Agências

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
a oeste, nada de novo. continuo convencido que o regime cubano soh cai, quando a abertura foi gigante...mas pode ser k me engane...


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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por Terminator Ter Set 15, 2009 6:08 pm

If Cuba embargo ended,
U.S. businesses ready for rush,
but not island

Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Cuba

While U.S. companies dream of a post-embargo Cuba, infrastructure woes, a lack of financing and Cuba's legal system may present challenges.

At first glance, Cuba's business potential looks as pretty as its postcards: A nearly five-decades-long embargo has made the island just 90 miles from Florida's coast hungry for nearly every good and service a U.S. company might provide.

But the flip side tells a different story about the most populous country in the Caribbean: that of a cash-strapped state with crumbling infrastructure and an economy in the stranglehold of an authoritarian government.

Those conflicting realities, however, are not stopping entrepreneurs from planning for the day when the embargo is lifted -- or from taking advantage of business opportunities already permissible under the embargo.

Tourism and telecom firms have been energized by recent regulations promising greater access; port operators and oil drillers are gearing up for a rush; and lawyers and consultants are lining up for a piece of the action.

``Every sector is going to be important,'' said Richard Waltzer, the chairman of the Havana Group, a consulting firm that helps U.S. businesses lay the groundwork for the day sanctions are lifted. ``This is an island that really hasn't developed.''

But in the short term, Waltzer said, the ``building of hotels and tourism infrastructure is going to be the new economy for Cuba.''


With its broad beaches, stunning colonial architecture and world-class artists, it's not hard to imagine the island as a tourist mecca.

For Cuba, more foreign visitors would provide access to the quick cash that it needs to jump-start the economy.

The island received 2.3 million visitors in 2008, according to the Caribbean Tourism Organization.

If the U.S. government dropped its travel restrictions entirely, rather than just for Cuban Americans -- and Cuba proved as big a draw for American tourists as Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, or Cancun, Mexico -- the island could expect more than one million additional visitors a year.

Mere curiosity -- seeing '58 Oldsmobiles and giant Che portraits on buildings -- could lure many, said Damian Fernandez, a longtime Cuban policy expert and provost of Purchase College State University of New York.

``Post-embargo, the biggest, fastest impact would be in tourism,'' he said.

But it's unclear if Cuba could handle the influx. The island has about 50,000 hotel rooms, about as many as Miami-Dade County, according to a report released by the Cuba Committee of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce.

And while it is making improvements, its phone system, electricity and water-supply infrastructure are struggling.

Cuba's Old World feel is part of its charm, but many visitors are also looking for modern amenities, said Mark Watson, 30, a tourist from Canada who recently visited the island.

Compared with other Caribbean tourist destinations, he found the island's food mediocre, prices expensive and his hotel, the Tryp Habana Libre, where rooms start at $168 a night, outdated and shabby.

``I'm not sorry I came here,'' he said. ``But I will never be back.''

The infrastructure woes may not only scare away visitors but stunt the growth of other tourism enterprises, said Tim Gallagher, vice president for public relations at Carnival Cruise Lines.

``You can take people to the islands, but you have to have a way to transport them once they are there and have tours for them,'' he said from the company's Miami offices. ``Whenever Cuba does finally open up, it will take a while to put all that into place.''

Gallagher said Carnival will develop a Cuba strategy if and when visiting the island is viable. ``It has been so many years that people have been saying that Cuba will open up, but no one really knows when that will happen,'' he said. ``At the time they do, then we are certainly interested.''

The infrastructure challenge is not easily overcome.

``It's a chicken-and-egg problem,'' said Jorge Piñón, a longtime Cuba analyst. ``Cuba needs the infrastructure to attract investors, but it can't pay for the infrastructure until it gets the investors.''


One way to skirt the issue is to look at businesses that might be created in self-sufficient compounds, said Leo Guzman, founder of the Guzman and Co. investment bank and a former board member of the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp.

Cuba's mild weather, proximity to the United States and surplus of trained doctors and nurses could make it ideal for Cuban-American retirees and those requiring long-term medical care, he said.

Such enclaves might also be more likely to win approval from the Cuban government, he said.

Cuban authorities would ``want the Cuban Americans in a community as opposed to interspersed in the community, to lower social friction,'' he said. ``And from a political perspective, [retirees] are the kind of people that the Cuban government would want, i.e. too old to cause problems.''


Rebuilding the island's infrastructure is where many see the money.

Under regulations issued by the Treasury Department on Sep. 3, U.S. companies can now offer cellular roaming services; satellite TV and radio; and fiber-optic cable to the island.

Sprint and AT&T would not comment on Cuba's potential, saying they were still studying the rules, but there are a number of telecom companies actively seeking licenses to do business in Cuba.

It's unclear what kind of opportunity this represents for U.S. companies, said Phil Peters, a Cuba expert at the Lexington Institute.

Cuba's ally Venezuela is already laying a fiber-optic cable to the island. And Cuba routinely blocks radio and TV transmissions from the United States, which would make U.S. firms unlikely contenders for that market.

``It's not clear where the U.S. would fit into their plans,'' Peters said.

But the island also has one of the lowest telephone-density rates in the region. According to Cuba's National Office of Statistics, the island has one fixed or mobile telephone line for every eight people. The United States, by comparison, has 1.4 phones for every person.

In addition, the Cuban government already has roaming agreements with European carriers, which make the prospect of U.S. deals more likely, he said.

But, once again, the demand for phones, or any other service, is no guarantee that it's a market opportunity, said Piñón: ``It's a two-way street. Cuba needs practically everything. But the first question is how much the Cuban government would allow. The second is how much could it afford.''


In the absence of foreign investment, another avenue for Cuba to finance its development would be to sell products to the United States. But there, too, complications exist. Tobacco and sugar could bring in quick cash, but exporting sugar would require the United States to drop sugar quotas. And while Cuba is thought to have as much as a third of the world's nickel reserves, much of it is locked up in a deal with Canada's Sherritt International.

Pharmaceuticals and biotech are another possibility, particularly products developed by the Center of Molecular Immunology (Centro de Immunología Molecular), which has created some potential cancer vaccines and treatments.

Washington recently allowed U.S. clinical trials of Cuba-developed nimotuzumab, a cancer treatment that is already approved in some nations.

If the embargo were lifted, some believe U.S. pharmaceutical companies would be more likely to hire Cuba's best biotech scientists rather than to purchase rights to Cuban drugs. But as long as the Castro government remains in power, top scientists might not be able to leave the country easily.


Perhaps the biggest wild card in the Cuba equation is the prospect of crude.

The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that there are 4.6 billion barrels of untapped oil off northern Cuba, some of it just 50 miles from Florida's coast.

While drilling has been hampered by the global slowdown and Cuba's cash crunch, companies are moving in, including Spain's Repsol YPF, Brazil's Petrobras, PetroVietnam and Russia's Zarubezhneft. Venezuela's PDVSA has said it will begin exploring in 2010.

It's not surprising, then, that U.S. companies are eager to have a piece of the action in their own backyard, said Eric Smith, the associate director of the Tulane Energy Institute in New Orleans.

If and when the sanctions are lifted, ``Americans will be all over the place,'' Smith predicted. ``But they'll also be playing catch-up.''

Lifting the embargo could also speed the pace of current operations, as producers would suddenly have the United States -- the world's largest energy consumer -- as a nearby buyer.

``Those wells are fairly expensive to drill, and [investors] will have to be convinced that they will have access to the market to monetize the oil,'' Smith said.

However, it might not be the bonanza some expect. Piñón, who is also the former president of Amoco Oil Latin America, calculates that the island uses 150,000 barrels a day, with 93,000 barrels coming from Venezuela.

A typical foreign oil deal would give Cuba 40 percent of output. That implies that new oil fields would need to produce more than 230,000 barrels a day just to replace the Venezuelan contribution -- and only after that could Cuba consider selling oil overseas.


All of these scenarios assume not only that Cuba wants to do business with the United States, but that the end of sanctions would come with other changes on the island.

``The lifting of the embargo does not change an iota of Cuban law,'' Guzman said. ``Just because the embargo is lifted, you are not going to have property rights, labor rights, the rule of law and other guarantees.''

Indeed, one of Guzman's fears is that U.S. citizens will be so enthusiastic about buying property in Cuba that they might turn a blind eye to those issues. ``Obviously, that scenario becomes ripe for abuse,'' he said.

While the United States has control over if and when it lifts the embargo, it takes two partners to do business.

``Suppose there is a pipeline between the American economy and the Cuban economy,'' said Jorge Sanguinetty, president of the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy. ``It has two faucets. The United States controls one faucet, Cuba the other.''

The Miami Herald


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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por Terminator Ter Set 15, 2009 6:24 pm

Bluetooth: decir sin palabras


Estaban a tres metros uno del otro y orientaron sus móviles -como dos cowboys en mitad de un duelo- para lanzarse el video clip “Decadencia” y las últimas fotos de Carlos Lage. La información viajó por el aire y se almacenó en la memoria de cada artilugio telefónico. No quedaron rastros del envío, ni siquiera los que estaban alrededor se dieron cuenta que casi cincuenta megabytes habían cruzado el parque en unos breves minutos. Cuando la noche avanzó, le pasaron los “materiales” a una docena de amigos, que al otro día los transfirieron a otros cincuenta.

La tecnología bluetooth es la pesadilla de los censores. Libros prohibidos en formato pdf, canciones que nunca se escuchan en la radio, blogs bloqueados hacia el interior de la Isla y todo tipo de noticias ausentes de los medios oficiales se trasmiten a través de estas radiofrecuencias. En la capital, es un fenómeno que va en aumento, especialmente entre los más jóvenes. Incluso hay quienes portan un teléfono celular que sólo usan como medio para almacenar e intercambiar fotos, música y videos, al no poder costear los altos precios del servicio móvil.

Lo intangible se abre paso en esta sociedad donde imprimir y distribuir una publicación podría llevarnos a la cárcel bajo el delito de “propaganda enemiga”. Numerosos periódicos, exclusivamente virtuales, están viendo la luz, mientras una cultura de lo digital deja fuera del juego a quienes piensan que las revoluciones se hacen sólo con armas y con discursos. Para ellos, estas ondas omnidireccionales son puro juego de muchachos. Es mejor que así lo crean. Cuando se den cuenta de su importancia, lo inalámbrico habrá logrado reconectar todas esas hebras que –sistemáticamente- han sido cortadas entre nosotros los ciudadanos.

in Generación Y
Set 14


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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por JOHN ROBERTS Ter Set 15, 2009 11:58 pm

E guantanamo esta la!!

E O IRAQUE, esta la!!

E o AFGANISTAO, ele ainda vai mandar mais mjuitas dezenas de milhares de tropas!

falar e facil, fazer e que nao!!

Pontos : 1683

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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por LJSMN Qua Set 16, 2009 1:58 am

O embargo a Cuba é o seguro de vida do regime Castrista.

E é a

Das máfias "anti" castristas da Florida.

No dia em que o embargo terminar, o regime tem os dias contados.

Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation


Pontos : 1769

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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por Terminator Qua Set 16, 2009 4:26 am

JOHN ROBERTS escreveu:E guantanamo esta la!!

E O IRAQUE, esta la!!

E o AFGANISTAO, ele ainda vai mandar mais mjuitas dezenas de milhares de tropas!

falar e facil, fazer e que nao!!

nao sei se estara tudo certo, mas uma parte esta: esta foi a minha primeira desilusao com obama....estava ah espera de uma maior abertura...


Pontos : 2544

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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por Viriato Qua Set 16, 2009 4:51 am

Castro agradece.....

Pontos : 16657

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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por Terminator Qua Set 16, 2009 4:56 am

Viriato escreveu:Castro agradece.....

agradece ele, mas nao agradece o povo cubano...

nao consegui encontrar nenhuma justificaçao de obama para isto. alguem viu/leu?


Pontos : 2544

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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por JOHN ROBERTS Qua Set 16, 2009 8:01 am

Terminator escreveu:
Viriato escreveu:Castro agradece.....

agradece ele, mas nao agradece o povo cubano...

nao consegui encontrar nenhuma justificaçao de obama para isto. alguem viu/leu?


O SENADOR MEL MARTINEZ, representante da FLORIDA no SENADO, ELE MESMO CUBANO, acaba de RENUNCIAR AO CARGO porque vai dedicar-se a DEMOVCRATIZACAO DE CUBA de onde veio para os USA aos 8 ANOS! Eu e os meus SOCIOS CUBANOS aguardamos INVESTIR EM CUBA. CEMITERIOS PRIVADOS, CLUBES, RESTAURANTES e IMOVEIS. Estamos PRONTOS ja la vao 4 ANOS. Ma em breve .......

Pontos : 1683

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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por LJSMN Qua Set 16, 2009 8:09 am

Terminator escreveu:
Viriato escreveu:Castro agradece.....

agradece ele, mas nao agradece o povo cubano...

nao consegui encontrar nenhuma justificaçao de obama para isto. alguem viu/leu?

A comunidade emigrada na Florida tem um poder enorme. E a linha oficial do governo americano foi sempre de que o embargo levaria o regime castrista à falência.

Para se aquilatar do grau de loucura e, ao mesmo tempo, de determinação daquela gente, basta ver o comentário obsceno que foi colocado neste tópico acerca de "cemitérios privados". Uma das características da loucura normal é que consegue sempre ir um passo mais adiante, mais além do que seriamos capazes de imaginar.

Neste momento, nem disposição tenho para acrescentar um smiley a este post.


Pontos : 1769

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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por JOHN ROBERTS Qua Set 16, 2009 8:19 am

Sam escreveu:
Terminator escreveu:
Viriato escreveu:Castro agradece.....

agradece ele, mas nao agradece o povo cubano...

nao consegui encontrar nenhuma justificaçao de obama para isto. alguem viu/leu?

A comunidade emigrada na Florida tem um poder enorme. E a linha oficial do governo americano foi sempre de que o embargo levaria o regime castrista à falência.

Para se aquilatar do grau de loucura e, ao mesmo tempo, de determinação daquela gente, basta ver o comentário obsceno que foi colocado neste tópico acerca de "cemitérios privados". Uma das características da loucura normal é que consegue sempre ir um passo mais adiante, mais além do que seriamos capazes de imaginar.

Neste momento, nem disposição tenho para acrescentar um smiley a este post.

Nao sei porque OBCENO. O FACTO e que HA , CEMITERIOS PRIVADOS, por exemplo no BRASIL! o FACTO E QUE NOS usa, HA MILHOES DE CUBANOS que querem ser enterrados na sua terra. O facto e que isto sera um SERVICO. Se nao sabia............

Pontos : 1683

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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por JOHN ROBERTS Qua Set 16, 2009 8:23 am

Sam escreveu:
O embargo a Cuba é o seguro de vida do regime Castrista.

E é a

Das máfias "anti" castristas da Florida.

No dia em que o embargo terminar, o regime tem os dias contados.

Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Icon_exclaim Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Icon_exclaim Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Icon_exclaim Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Icon_exclaim

QUAL ENBARGO, QUAL CARAPUCA, quanto milhoes de turistas, BRASILEIROS, ITALIANOS, PORTUGUESES, CANADIANOS espanhois VAO A cuba viajar E LA DEIXAR 2 BILIOES EM DIVISAS? Quantas centenas de HOTEIS foram construidos em CUBA por ESPANHOIS, ITALIANOS e a te PORTUGUESES? Pelos PESTANA, pelo AMORIN? Qual enbargo, qual carapuca! pelo contrario , A europa E canada E brasil EQUE TEEM MANTIDO O REGIME. CAPECE?

Pontos : 1683

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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por LJSMN Qua Set 16, 2009 8:27 am

JOHN ROBERTS escreveu:

Nao sei porque OBCENO. O FACTO e que HA , CEMITERIOS PRIVADOS, por exemplo no BRASIL! o FACTO E QUE NOS usa, HA MILHOES DE CUBANOS que querem ser enterrados na sua terra. O facto e que isto sera um SERVICO. Se nao sabia............


Pontos : 1769

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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por JOHN ROBERTS Qua Set 16, 2009 8:33 am

Sam escreveu:
JOHN ROBERTS escreveu:

Nao sei porque OBCENO. O FACTO e que HA , CEMITERIOS PRIVADOS, por exemplo no BRASIL! o FACTO E QUE NOS usa, HA MILHOES DE CUBANOS que querem ser enterrados na sua terra. O facto e que isto sera um SERVICO. Se nao sabia............


Pontos : 1683

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Obama mantem embargo a Cuba Empty Re: Obama mantem embargo a Cuba

Mensagem por LJSMN Qua Set 16, 2009 9:04 am

JOHN ROBERTS escreveu:
Sam escreveu:
JOHN ROBERTS escreveu:

Nao sei porque OBCENO. O FACTO e que HA , CEMITERIOS PRIVADOS, por exemplo no BRASIL! o FACTO E QUE NOS usa, HA MILHOES DE CUBANOS que querem ser enterrados na sua terra. O facto e que isto sera um SERVICO. Se nao sabia............


Estão no vídeo.


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